Still...with Love
I adored my sister, all her earthly life...and still today; and she loved me, her "Madoc the grat" brother, deeply as well. These words poured out last night as I felt the poignant mingling of Jesus' presence, her death, and her return to the embrace of her Creator.
Still...with Love
Love can, at times,
Must, at times
Be still.
Perhaps it is only then
Beyond the voice of
Word or
Tears or
Joy or
That Jesus knows His welcome
To come and rest awhile
Breathe awhile
Live awhile...
Perhaps it is only then
That Jesus knows
To lead beside still waters
To point to a right path
To restore life
Perhaps it is only then
That Jesus can
Raise the dead
To the new life
Of love
That fills the earth
That lifts the soul
That is present
Even in the stillness
Especially in the stillness
Of absence.