Turn Ye to Me
What is your focus? A while back a study estimated that we encounter over 500 advertisements every day. A friend once said concerning a superstore we all know and love, “I never in my life have seen so much wonderful stuff that I don’t need!” Makes me want to sing that old song, “I’m so dizzy, my head is spinning.” So, with all the noise and information and messages we encounter every day, what is our focus? What do we really see and hear past all the “stuff we don’t need?”
My oldest friend, Dr. Thomas J Gibbs, Jr., became part of my life about 75 tears ago. Tom’s mother, Allen Orton Gibbs (1910-1996, pictured here), wrote a two piano improvisation on a Scottish song, Turn Ye to Me. During those days my mom, Barbara Thomas, and Mrs. Lois Greene Seals formed a two piano team and performed Turn Ye to Me many times; and the alluring call of that music became an invitation to my young heart. The Scottish song is actually composed of romantic lyrics which offer the comforting warmth of love amid “angry wave” and “sea mew … moaning.” But I have increasingly heard an invitation in Mrs. Gibbs’ profoundly beautiful music, an invitation to turn from madding crowd and shrill clamor to peace, to meaning, to the God who is love.
It’s a noisy, frenzied, often unpalatable and ugly world, but there is always beauty as well. The very hot hike I took down the iconic Lighthouse Trail in Palo Duro State Park a while back included many photographs; the picture above tells the story of our need to focus, to look and listen past the weeds of our lives to the beauty of God’s presence. For always, always, beyond the heat and dust and underbrush and reptiles of accusation and sin and dysfunction and hatred and conflict, there is always beauty and good and love and the music of the spheres of God’s presence.
The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews calls us to “…focus on Jesus….” (Heb 12:2, GW.) We all know what it means to look and listen past distraction and to keep our attention on a truly significant focal point. We can hear coaches, choral conductors, parents, perhaps military leaders asking us to keep our focus, keep our eyes on the prize, listen to the phrasing of our lives’ music.
And God is calling, simply, amid the angry waves, moaning sea, and our often stormy world, “Turn Ye to Me.”
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